Harrisburg police have charged Dawna Holbert, a 57-year-old kindergarten teacher at Lincoln Elementary School, with misdemeanor assault following an incident on November 15, 2024. Holbert allegedly pushed a five-year-old student, causing the child to hit their head on a desk and sustain a cut near the right eye. The injury was reportedly just millimeters away from the eye, according to Local21 News.
The incident began when the student asked to use the restroom, and Holbert denied the request. Witnesses, including school nurses and a teacher's aide, corroborated the child's account that Holbert pushed the student with two hands. The child was taken to the nurse's office, where she was found sobbing with blood running down her face. Holbert later visited the nurse's office, admitted responsibility, and expressed frustration, according to Fox43.
Holbert, who has been with the district for 22 years, was placed on administrative leave. The Harrisburg School District expressed disappointment over the incident and stated that they are cooperating fully with the investigation. A preliminary hearing for Holbert is yet to be scheduled, as reported by PennLive.